Deploy Firebase config

In this section, we are going to config firebase which will allow Push notifications and generate all Firestore rules and indexes

Note: You need to enable billing in your firebase account (Pay as you go Plan)

Environment setup

First of all, you need have installed Node.js, at least the version 6.9.x or higher. You can download and install from the Node.js project website. When you have done it, you can install the Firebase CLI in order to init a new project and setup functions feature. You can install it globally using npm:

$ npm install -g firebase-tools

You can verify if it is correctly installed whit the command:

$ firebase version
> 3.9.1

Config your firebase project

  1. Run firebase login to log in via the browser and authenticate the firebase tool.

firebase login

2. Do firebase use --add with:

firebase use --add

3. Then select your project and hit Enter

4. make project alias as default

5. Install dependencies inside functions folder

cd functions
npm install

6. Deploy

firebase deploy

Last updated